David demands the return of a National BRITISH Health Service

Devolution has meant the end of Britain's National Health Service.

There is a presumption that patients in Wales should be treated in Wales. Even if there are closer hospitals or shorter waiting times across the border in England, they will be prevented from getting treatment there.

I believe it is time to return to the days of a truly National BRITISH Health Service. I have therefore amended the Government of Wales Bill in a way which would allow patients in England or Wales to access healthcare across the border with the cost of treatment being added to or subtracted from the block grant given to the Welsh Government every year by the UK Government.

In this way, patients would have the right to go wherever they want for treatment without there being any impact on the powers of the Welsh Government.

I would appreciate as much public support as possible on this issue so if you agree, please email and let me know at david.davies.mp@parliament.uk.